
I have always loved being crafty! I started making hair bows when I found out my husband and I were having a little girl. I loved making them for her, it was so fun! I recently started making them for others as well. I think there is nothing cuter than a big bow in a little girls hair! If you would like to order something please e-mail me at Cherished.Creations@hotmail.com I'm always adding new things as I find something fun and new to create daily!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Now on Facebook!

Cherry Charming Boutique (Cherished Creations) is now on Facebook! We'd really appreciate the support if you could become a fan to our page. Once we have a certain number of fans there may be a lucky (and first) give away! So excited!!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Flower Excitement!

I've done it! I finally figured out how to make those beautiful little crochet flowers! Now my skills could still use some mastering perfection, but I'm really happy with the way they've turned out. Almost perfect...if I do say so myself! I can't wait to put these on clips for my daughter and of course, the main reason I wanted to learn them, put them on hats for us both!! I guess a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll just end on that.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Crocheted Hat

Finally finished! Well, last night I finished the first decent hat anyway. I know I still have a bit of improvement to go, but for only picking up and working on it within the last two days I'm quite proud of the outcome. I am still working on adding one of those adorable little crochet flowers (which I haven't gotten the hang of quite yet...hopefully soon!) Here are a few photos of my progress so far. As well as trying to master the flowers I'm also working on a hat for myself, now that I've got that part pretty well down...and the more practice the better, right?

Examples of hats with and without bows.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Art of Crochet

I have always enjoyed receiving a nice gift of a handmade crocheted item. They're beautiful, but not only that, receiving one would be a great honour. It takes work, care and patience to create such gifts. Attention to detail, it really shows what you mean to the person who made it for you. I have grown up seeing several family members and friends working on a blanket, booties, hats, or even other items and I've always told myself someday I would love to learn. Well, I believe that day has come! Finally I decided it was time for me to stop waiting around. If I want a beautiful crochet item to hand down to my daughter it isn't going to make itself so I might as well get started now, who knows maybe even teach my daughter when she is older! It took me all of a day and a half but I think I've finally gotten the hang of what I've gotta do to get this little hat done right!! I still have a long way to go before it's perfect, but I'm happy with the results so far. Also very addicting...I've hardly been able to put my needle down since I've started! Pictures to come soon!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Strength of a Woman

A woman will sometimes cry when she is happy and she will smile when she wants to cry. She is always happy to help a friend, most times without asking or wanting something in return. Thinking of others before herself. She is a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt, a lover, a mother. She is the strongest person in your life (and, of course, if you are a woman reading this YOU are the strongest person in someones life). Women go through many struggles daily. Some are easy to overcome, others, not so much, but a woman can always find her way through. She is always beautiful, inside and out. She is intelligent, mystical and full of magic, but also down-to-earth. She can also be mysterious and alluring, a wild side and a sweet side. These earrings represent everything that a woman has in her heart, mind, body, and soul. There are too many words to describe us ladies, no word is perfect enough.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Passion of the Wolf

As we all know, there are many stories and legends (who knows, possibly even truths) associated with the wolf. I have my favourites, so, of course, it would be hard to pick just one to be inspired by. The, let's say fable, that inspired this piece, however, is a story commonly known as "Two Wolves". I will sum it up for you, from the way that I took it and the best way I remember it, as I'm sure there are variations in the version heard, depending on who tells it.

A young Grandson went to his Native American Grandfather with anger from a friend who had done him wrong. Grandfather said, that he too, at times felt a great hate for those who have taken what was not theirs and felt no sorrow. "Hate wears you down" continued the Grandfather, but does not hurt your enemy. "It is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die." He went on to explain to his Grandson:

"It is as if there are two wolves inside me; One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way. He saves all his energy for the right fight."

As for the other wolf, Grandfather said "He is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing. Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit.”

The young Grandson looks his Grandfather in the eyes and asks, "Which one wins?"
The Grandfather quietly replies, "The one I feed."

The wolf, I believe, has passion in whatever he does. Weather that be love or hate he expresses himself in a very strong manner. As the story, I also believe it is true, the reference between wolf and Man in this state. There is always a chance for love or hate, whichever emotion we choose to feed, it overcomes us. The round bead represents to me the Moon, which in many stories governs the wolf (as well as other things in nature). The square bead is the wolf itself, taking form of the emotion YOU choose.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lost in Crimson Dreams

Lore behind Lost in Crimson Dreams: This piece was inspired by a story I have written.

Legend has it that a young woman had a vivid dream of the man she would marry, she had the dream every night since she could remember. One day she finally met this man and as Fate would have it, they fell in love. Sadly, they only had one and a half days to spend together before he was called out to sea. Shortly after his departure, she heard news that he was lost in the vicious waters of the storm. She spent one and a half days crying bloody tears, mourning for the life she knew, but would never live out. Myth goes on to say that the blood in her tears made their way into the ocean, where they then formed a special and unique rock. The beautiful, bright red colour of this rock can only be seen by the eyes of two lovers, to everyone else it appears unimpressive and ugly.

These earrings are made from two glass beads. A bigger one representing the full day the lovers spent together, and a smaller bead which represents the half day together (also representing the amount of time the young lady lover shed her tears) each bead has a silver swirl running throughout it, which reminded me of the oceans tide. Which, of course, is not only where the "lovers" rock can be found, but also where her love was lost at Sea.

I have a limited amount of these available if you wish to purchase a set please contact me. Cherished.Creations@hotmail.com

Jewelry debut

So, hair bows and painting is not the only thing I crave to create. I love jewelry! I love wearing it, discovering and creating it! I have decided to start sharing a few of my recent pieces with you. Each piece is handmade by me and I have designed each set inspired by a story or lore to go along with it. These legends have been my muse in creating most of my works, so it only seems natural they are accompanied alongside one another. Hope you enjoy them!