
I have always loved being crafty! I started making hair bows when I found out my husband and I were having a little girl. I loved making them for her, it was so fun! I recently started making them for others as well. I think there is nothing cuter than a big bow in a little girls hair! If you would like to order something please e-mail me at Cherished.Creations@hotmail.com I'm always adding new things as I find something fun and new to create daily!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th! and what's coming

Happy 4th of July! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far and that you have a great night! I think what our plans so far are cooking out and possibly watching some fire works! Should be fun (that is if I can keep the baby up long enough to see them lol)

Lately I've been inspired to make "fairy wands" I just think there is something magical about it and what little girl doesn't want to get in touch with the fairies? ;) So, hopefully I can get around to making a few of those soon and posting them.

Take care x

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