
I have always loved being crafty! I started making hair bows when I found out my husband and I were having a little girl. I loved making them for her, it was so fun! I recently started making them for others as well. I think there is nothing cuter than a big bow in a little girls hair! If you would like to order something please e-mail me at Cherished.Creations@hotmail.com I'm always adding new things as I find something fun and new to create daily!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So, we are here! Adjusting just fine, we are all having a ball! In the process of getting my shop back up and ready to work. I haven't had that much time to do any "creating"....it's about to drive me crazy! I just see all my ribbons and I think "oh, this would make a great bow!", but I still have a few materials I need to stock up on before I can do too much. Hoping to get it all sorted out soon. I am planning on having a big sale once we are able to re-open the shop! So excited to get back into things. Also, if any of you are local to the UK I ask that you please share our FB page with your friends/fans! Trying to build up a local fan base :) (Our link is: www.facebook.com/CherryCharmingBoutique)

For now...it's off to do some more cleaning and hopefully get the little one to bed soon...still so much to do, but loving every minute of it!

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